
Lighting a fire at Style Acre Forest School

New Forest School Sessions for Style Acre

New Forest School Sessions for Style Acre Style Acre Forest School Sessions with Wild Wood Warriors based on Howbery Park near Wallingford have started following a grant from the Community Councillor fund. Style Acre supports adults with learning disabilities and…
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People at the Summer Soiree

Summer Soiree raises £3,250

Summer Soiree raises £3,250 It has been a busy start to the summer. We attended and helped organise a number of events in June, including The Thames 10K in Wallingford, Wallingford Walled Gardens, our Style Acre Big Picnic and ending…
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Gemma being presented her Oxfordshire Care Awards

Style Acre Oxfordshire Care Award winners

Style Acre Oxfordshire Care Award winners Style Acre had a wonderful day at the Oxfordshire Care awards on Monday 17th June. The awards recognise the people making a difference to the lives of others from the community and voluntary sector,…
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