A lady enjoying being by the sea
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Make a Donation

It is thanks to the generosity of our supporters making a donation to Style Acre that we are able to enhance the lives of the people we support and give them the opportunities to live their lives to the full.

Whether you choose to donate with a one-off payment or regularly we will be thankful as every donation big or small makes a difference to the lives of the people we support. We would not be able to achieve what we do, without your support.

find out more about us.

The Different Ways You Can Donate
Direct Debit

If you would like to donate on a recurring basis, please complete this form to set up a monthly Direct Debit.

Bank Card/PayPal

If you would like to make a one off donation using your bank card or PayPal, or set up a regular payment (bank card only), please complete the form here.

By Post

Please make your cheque payable to Style Acre and send it for the attention of the fundraising team to Style Acre, Evenlode House, Howbery Park, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8BA.

Bank Transfer

Our bank account details are Account No 62025759, Sort Code 60-15-07.

Please ensure you put a reference on your payment and e-mail community@styleacre.org.uk to tell us the amount that you have donated and the reference you have given.