A group of smiling people promoting health and wellbeing
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Your Health and Wellbeing

Our Ways to Wellness programme helps you to improve your health and wellbeing

We have lots of different activities and projects that help you improve your health and wellbeing. Helping you to meet new people, build friendships, and learn new things. Whether you like dancing, walking, crafting, trying new sports, cooking nutritious food, there’s something for you!

Ways to Wellness weekly programme

Click on the purple button below to see our weekly wellness programme.

More events and activities

Abba Sisters with text Friday 24th January 7pm - 11.30pm

Friday 24 January

Abba Tribute and Party Night, Benson Village Hall

Visit our events page for more information about our Abba Tribute Night and to book your tickets.

Rainbows with the text Pride Acre, come and join us

We meet once a month

For LGBTQ+ people with learning disabilities and autism supported by Style Acre

We have been to LGBTQ+ events and places such as Drag Bingo, pubs in Oxford and Banbury and a Cabaret night in Didcot.

Speak to Hannah or Anita if you would like to come along to the next meeting.

You can also get involved with other activities outside of Style Acre including:

Friday Night Fever – A monthly disco held at the Marlborough Club, Didcot, for adults with disabilities.

Northbourne, Gateway Club – A weekly club that meets on a Monday evening at various locations in Didcot.

If you would like to find out more and how you or someone you support can get involved please contact us.


If you have a particular hobby or interest you’d like to take part in then let us know as we may have volunteers who have the same interest we may be able to match you with.

Fitness trainer encouraging physical fitness in Ways to Wellness programme in Oxfordshire
Plant showing how a person can grow and develop by learning skills in Ways to Wellness programme in Oxfordshire.
Encouraging healthy eating with Ways to wellness programme in Oxfordshire
Picture of a hand and heart as a way of reaching out to connect and make relationships with Ways to Wellness programme in Oxfordshire

Move… by getting active through sports, dance and other activities.

Grow… by learning skills to develop as a person and enjoying therapeutic hobbies.

Nourish… by caring for yourself and enjoying the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Connect… by reaching out, giving back and working together to build and maintain relationships.