People sat round a table at a Style Acre have a say event.
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Have a Say

Events and Forums

We hold regular ‘Have a say’ events and forums during the year. It is an opportunity for people we support and staff to have their say about how we do things and what they would like to see us do.

We will advertise all Have a Say events within Style Acre and here on the website. It is your chance to come along and have your say. We would love to see you at the next event.

Someone we support, taking part in the Have a Say day with her support worker


Our four wonderful Ambassadors are supported by Style Acre and help to promote the charity in their local communities and tell people what we do. You can find out more about them on Our People page.

Please have a chat with them when you see them in Style Acre and find out more about how they help to promote the charity.

When an Ambassador vacancy comes up we will share this within Style Acre and on the website so people have the opportunity to apply.