Group of people making bird houses at a Style Acre community Hub
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Style Acre community hubs in Oxfordshire

162 people with learning disabilities and autism attend our Style Acre community hubs in Oxfordshire, Turnstyle in Wallingford, T2 in Didcot and SABRe in Banbury. The hubs each host their own activities which include arts, crafts, gardening and cooking. The hubs also act as a base where people meet to travel to local places for socialising, swimming, bowling, sports and day trips. People come to the hubs to learn life skills, make friends, have fun and to develop their independence and confidence.

Our Style Acre community hubs in Oxfordshire are safe, welcoming spaces and they are central to the lives of the people we support. People have friends who they see regularly and sessions that they take part in each week. People get to know the hub support teams who they can ask for advice and guidance if they need to. Our hubs have a great sense of community and a varied timetable means there is something for everyone.

View our latest Care Quality Commission report.

People can also take part in our Work ProgrammeGarden Project and Ways to Wellness.

If you or someone you know is interested in support from Style Acre please read our How do I get the support I need page.

Find out more about how we help people we support and their families:

Contact our Community Hubs


Telephone: 01491 827582

Evenlode House, Howbery Park, Wallingford, OX10 8BA


Telephone: 01235 512005

Trident Business Park, Basil Hill Road, Didcot, OX11 7HJ


Telephone: 01295 239944

5 Butchers Row, Banbury, OX16 5JH