We provide garden services for people local to Didcot and Wallingford all year round.
Services include lawn mowing, hedge cutting and pruning, weeding and planting and the team can do one-off or regular visits.

Green Acre Garden Maintenance – Wallingford & Didcot
Working days
Monday – Wednesday 10am – 3pm
Green Acre Garden Maintenance in Wallingford and Didcot was established to provide work opportunities and training for people with learning disabilities and autism.
Trained by our dedicated Gardening Coordinator and Gardening Support workers, the Green Acre Garden Maintenance team learn how to work in a professional environment, how to use tools and garden machinery and work as part of a team. It is a safe environment to learn, grow and work together. It also improves mental health, confidence, and independence.
Originally set up to tend the Style Acre gardens the enterprise has been a huge success. The team learnt their skills and wanted to work more. To be able to do this, we needed to upscale our project and offer Green Acre services to the local community. During 2022 the gardening team increased in size. Employed new Garden Support workers, and generated work within the local community.
Green Acre is sponsored by Root One Garden Centre who helped us to purchase a new vehicle, enabling us to upscale the enterprise further, providing more work opportunities for people we support and more work.
Volunteer and work placement opportunities
If you or someone we support are interested in a volunteer or work placement in the Green Acre Team or any other work opportunities, please visit our work opportunities page.