I joined Style Acre as a Support Worker in 2014, following a time of volunteering in Samoa at an SEN school. What was originally a casual job following the completion of my GDL, soon turned into a career, after an application to join the HR department in 2015. After completing my Level 7 CIPD Qualification, I became the HR Manager in April 2018.
Working in HR can be challenging, particularly in the Health and Social Care sector where the impact of people management can be felt not only on the staff but the people supported. Working with people means being adaptable and flexible is integral. Style Acre has never been afraid of change, which keeps my role interesting and one of the many reasons I think the charity has the reputation it does; of providing outstanding support.
With both admin offices situated above our day opportunity hubs, it is a real perk of the job to be able to interact and see the people we are working to support every day, whether through a frontline or an ancillary role.