At our Wallingford community hub, known as Turnstyle, people with learning disabilities and autism have a space to be themselves, make friendships and develop their skills. The support offered is vital to the people who attend and to their families.

People enjoy using the large kitchen, music room, art room, IT suite, sensory room and gardens to take part in a variety of social, leisure and skills-building activities. These include cooking, arts and crafts, karaoke, sports and Makaton signing. The hub is based in the same building as the Style Acre Head Office at Howbery Park. People we support have access to the facilities at the business park, including a restaurant, sports centre, a shop and beautiful grounds where they enjoy yoga and sports activities in the spring and summer months.

So people can get the most from their local communities, there are also activities and sessions away from the hub including day trips and events. So people can have more independence, the community hub has a large fleet of accessible vehicles. This enables individuals to have a lift to and from their own home to the hub or community activity they’re taking part in.

The 40+ strong Turnstyle team offers support to those with a variety of needs, including people with complex learning and physical disabilities.

Please contact Helen Money (Turnstyle One to One Manager) and Hannah Pritchard-Hawkes (Turnstyle Group Manager – Maternity cover) for further information or complete our referrals form if you or someone you know is interested in support.

Turnstyle address: Evenlode House, Howbery Park, Wallingford, OX10 8BA.