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Support in the Community

Outreach services to support independent living

People with learning disabilities and autism who live independently can access support in their own home from our community support teams in Oxfordshire.

Our support teams visit people at home and create an individual support plan to help them establish a healthy daily routine. This can include support with everyday chores such as shopping, cooking and encouraging people to get dressed and washed every day. They also support people to run errands, attend appointments and to work and or volunteer. They will also take them out for the day, help them to exercise and to go out and meet friends and family.

Our outreach support is a vital service for many people who may be isolated and may struggle to live independently and pursue their hobbies and interests. People can choose to attend one of our hubs as part of their support or some of our wellbeing activities.

View our latest Care Quality Commission report.

Our Community Support Teams operate in Wallingford, Didcot, Thame and Banbury

Support hours are varied and are normally offered in 2 or 3 hour blocks as a minimum, Monday-Friday. Some people have support once a week and others up to three times a week.

If you or someone you know is interested in support from Style Acre please read our How do I get the support I need page.

More stories about how we help those we support can be found here: