Ways to Wellness Journals Launch!

As part of Style Acre’s Ways to Wellness Programme, we have created colourful, fun and interactive Ways to Wellness Journals for the people we support, employees and volunteers. Just the other week, Anita Powell, our Ways to Wellness Coordinator, took to the road to launch the journals! She visited all of Style Acre’s community hubs and the Style Acre Tea Room!

What is a Ways to Wellness Journal?

People use the journal to reflect on their health and happiness on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. They can complete it how they like and even dip in every now and then. The journal is produced in easy-read format to make it accessible to everyone.

What activities are included in the Journals?

There are all sorts of activities to complete! Each month there is a monthly mood tracker that people can colour in each day. By choosing the colours that mean ‘Not Great’ ‘Ok’ and ‘Good’ to them, the Journal feels personal and over each month builds a picture of how they feel. People can also track how much sleep, sensory time, hydration, healthy foods, relaxation time and exercise they are getting. Other activities include ’21 things to do in 2021′ to think about what they want to achieve this year,  a ‘Breathing Square’ to remember to take some time to relax and doodle pages to collect thoughts and memories.

Hannah says: ‘My journal helps me to keep track of things I’ve done or want to do. I like the fact that I can plan what to do. I have loved using the journal and my favourite bit is 21 things to do in 2021.’

Why have we created the Ways to Wellness Journals?

People we support with learning disabilities and autism have been particularly vulnerable throughout the pandemic. Changes in routine have caused anxiety for many and longer term effects are now becoming apparent. Plus the people we employ have had a challenging time too; our support teams have been working throughout the pandemic to ensure people stay as healthy and happy as possible. They have had to focus on supporting people to stay safe and ensure people have had as much support as possible, while managing changing restrictions, PPE and new hygiene rules.

We hope that the Wellness Journals will encourage people to think about how they are feeling, both physically and emotionally. We want the Journals to act as a talking point between the people we support, Support Workers, other colleagues and volunteers. By sharing, thinking and talking about how we feel, we can help to improve our mental health and that of those around us. For others, the journals will help them to track their mood and get them thinking about how other parts of their life can affect their wellbeing.

Thank you to Holly Millward, Jennie Weston, the Ways to Wellness Stars and NP Design & Print for their support in creating the journals.

Watch this space for more journal updates and feedback from people at Style Acre!

Ways to Wellness Journals Jessica Ways to Wellness Journals Sadie stickers Journals roadshow Journals Holly and EllieCover Front page Activity page